Two minutes before you make a left into the driveway of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, this is what you see on the road. Just a brief twelve mile drive from the town of Jackson, there are no big box stores here. No massive condo developments. No amusement parks. Just wide open horizontal as you prepare mentally for 4,139 feet of vertical. The Big Red tram takes you to the summit of Rendezvous Mountain, which just happens to be 10,450 feet high. Sick! Also… Altitude Sickness! Will I bomb with aplomb? Tune in tomorrow.
Blue Besos goes to Jackson Hole

If you arrive in Jackson Hole by plane in the winter, make sure your mitts are on, because there’s no jetway – only bracing, fresh Wyoming air on an icy tarmac. Then, be prepared to roll your carry-on under an arch of elk antlers. Don’t worry, no animals were traumatized in the making of this arch – elks shed their antlers each year. Since Teton County is in a major wildlife migration corridor, the antlers are a recurring theme in local decor, as you’ll see in upcoming posts. It’s all part of the rugged, apres-ski-slash-cowboy style thing going on here. It’s Jackson Hole Week on Blue Besos!
Learning to be Canadian
It only took me a few decades, but I finally received a vital lesson in Being Canadian: how to play hockey. Good thing I already have a passport, because my form wouldn’t help my case if my citizenship was ever challenged. Luckily there seems to be a rink in every Calgary park, in case I need to work on my puck placement. Toque, Roots. Sweater, Gap. Jeans, Roots. Stick and skates, Bauer.
Pink and Orange Sherbet
The wonderful thing about Calgary is, even though the Elbow River is half frozen for oh — at least four months, a Chinook will sweep through this city often enough so that you can leave your jacket at home several times during the winter. It’s the little things that count. So why not celebrate the warmth by throwing together two colors that have no business being layered, yet look so yummy?
When that pink and orange is in place, why not pack more punch with a plastic belt ?
And why not bottom it all off with a pair of pink sneaks?? Puffy vest, Joe. Sweater, H&M. Shoes, KangaROOS. Think Pink! (To quote Diana Vreeland.)
Must-See Fashion Doc
Lactose Tolerant Model at Model Milk
Doggie on the Catwalk
Buzz took a paws in his promenade (as a former TV journalist, I absolutely cannot resist this fully fromaged yet delectable cliche) through Victoria Park today to share the latest in canine couture. The best dressed Lakeland Terriers wear hand knit ribbed turtlenecks. Note: the subtle grey wool of Buzz’s sweater complements the color of his fur instead of competing with it.
Two of a Kind
Shredding in Style
Schmancy Fashion Show
I was a little concerned when I arrived at the fundraiser for the Glenbow Museum and saw the swag. Pencils? Cardboard George??Then I ordered champagne and it came in a can. But since it was Sophia Coppola’s sparkling wine, with bendy straw, accompanied by Givenchy-wearing software genius Drew Tollerud, suddenly, the evening had potential.
Then the show started:
Jaunty Martha’s Vineyard-inspired moments started to zip by on Belgo’s purple-taped hardwood.
Whoops! Who sent that pink bag out twice? And may I suggest removing that superfluous strap?
All clothes from Holt Renfrew’s spring collection. Was the style actually schmancy? Not sure. But was Schmancy Style a fun evening raising money for a museum that celebrates Western Canada? Yes. Yes it was.