When you live in Calgary, chances are you know a rancher. If you’re lucky, you’ll be invited out for a ride. I’m fortunate enough to be friends with Rachel Herbert, who raises grass fed cattle just south of Nanton, AB, for her poetically named premium beef business, Trail’s End Beef. So when she invited me out to ride savvy Suzy, we had some farm chores to do. And since it was hunting season, Rachel sported a safety-chic orange vest…
… and so did I. I also wore a pair of chaps I hadn’t used in a decade, but my style was more Michelin Man than Wild West, thanks to the need to stay warm.
On this particular day, we had a mission. These calves were weaned the week before, so now it was time to move them to the farm for the winter, where Rachel and Ty can keep an eye on them.
Rachel’s hubby and quintessential cowboy Tyler mapped out our moves…
… while Suzy and Jet always seemed to know exactly where to be to get the job done.
Being in the saddle for hours was easy in this custom-made cutting saddle by Vic Bennett.
First we moved the calves out of their pen, over the hills. My job was to stay in the back and encourage stragglers to get moo-ving.
Then it was time to take this show on the road! Rachel spent years on the hunter-jumper circuit, but being a cowgirl is in her DNA — she’s a fourth-generation Alberta rancher. Those cows better get moving before Jet decides to give their butts a love bite.
The grass on the side of the road was looking mighty delicious to the calves, so I had my herding work cut out for me… but I managed to snap one more photo while we were on the move. Way up ahead, on Turbo the roan, Tyler was ready to stop any cars that came along.
Mission accomplished! But Suzy lingered a little longer, just to let those cows know who is boss.
Rachel works the chute, and without that safety vest we finally get an opportunity to see her flawless cowgirl style, complete with vintage scarf. And those fringed chinks! Those are shorter chaps, for y’all who are not up on cowboy lingo. I didn’t know either.
It was a novelty to be on a horse with such a lustrous mane, compared to the ponies I usually ride. Besides the cattle we also caught sight of a moose, loping across the ridge. Not pictured here, but emblazoned in my memory forever.
Ride ’em cowgirls. Thanks so much for an amazing day, Rachel and Suzy!
Category Archives: Style
Crazy Calgary Stampede Midway Food & Other Summer Fun Times
So many great events coming our way for summer in Calgary, including Parkshow this weekend and Stampede! Also, a new direct flight departing Calgary this summer to Chicago, an exclusive shopping night at Burberry, and the poetry debut of a Calgary author. Plus, I got to ride an Hermes saddle! All that and more in this edition of BBTV Update.
BBTV: Saks Calgary Sneak Peek!
When Saks asked if I’d like to join the media tour two days before the Calgary location opens, of course I said, I’m in! Literally. Please enjoy my video tour… just a little longer than a New York minute. That’s a Fifth Avenue reference, folks. Meanwhile, my Manhattan zip code game is strong. (The video explains what I’m talking about). If I do say so myself!
Calgary’s New Central Library Almost Here!
Coming Soon to Calgary: Saks!
Tucked into the old Target location, across from the Starbucks on the ground floor, and beside the Orange Julius upstairs, is the new Saks Fifth Avenue, scheduled to open at Chinook Centre in Calgary next Thursday.
First of all, who knew Orange Julius was still even a thing? Glad we’re taking it up a notch at the mall that regularly ranks in the top ten busiest shopping destinations in North America. Soon, who knows… I may even get a phone that takes better photos.
But, as usual, I digress. Saks is coming! It’s only the third location in Canada. The other two are in Toronto. Don’t be confused by the Saks Off Fifth locations dotting our nation. This is gloat-worthy. Because once again, we are landing a major retailer before Vancouver. (Cough, Nordstrom, cough). And the New York-based department store (if the Fifth Ave in the name didn’t give it away) is in the Holts zone of haut shopping heaven.
Saks doesn’t care about the price of oil. In fact, they just revamped their Houston location. Saks is planning to love our lust for luxury longtime.
In this frigid February, we could use the boost. Who needs high-tech when you have good ol’ fashioned shopping therapy? Sorry Amazon. (Just like the Eskimos and their words for snow, we Canadians have a thousand different meanings for the word “sorry.” And some of them are passive aggressive. Albeit polite… on that icy cold surface.)
Plus, there’s an opening gala. Super-exclusive VIP and all that. See you there!
Kickin It in Cowtown
It’s never too early to start kickin’ it Western style in Calgary. Besides, chucks fans will be filling those grandstands in two shakes of a thoroughbred’s tail. So may I recommend the pre-distressed Geneva bootie, by Musse & Cloud, to get you in the hootin’ and hollerin’ mood?
If you haven’t heard of them, Musse & Cloud is a boutique European brand, inspired by bohemian silhouettes. The soft burnished leather and padded insoles ensure instant comfort for your feet. And the boho chic factor easily translates to style moments beyond Stampede. Coachella, anyone?
Feel like kicking it up a notch? The Millie meets all requirements for sophisticated big city style. Personally, I’m riveted.
And, always helpful if you’re Canadian, and you feel obliged to kick off your heels every time you step inside, these Spanish suede booties make it easy to do with a heel zipper.
Check ’em out here... and guess what? They’re having a sale.
Amp Up Your Skin
As everyone in Calgary knows, it has been weeks with wind chill in the unhappy -30 degrees Celsius range, with no chinook to break up the bitter cold, unless you count Chinook Centre. Recently I did join the hoards of Christmas mall walkers, but despite the indoor exercise, the extreme temperatures outside seeped into the atmosphere. With every step, strands of hair zapped my cheeks with electricity. Brushing it meant auditioning to be the poster girl for any science center with a static electricity ball. Yet, during this entire deep freeze, my sensitive facial skin has been blissfully unaffected.
Why? Because of these little pods, packed with powerful recovery concentrate, including includes ChronoluxAI technology. Estee Lauder suggests using them every night for two weeks, whenever your skin is stressed. Winter in one of the driest climates in North America seemed like the optimum time to twist an ampoule and spread oil all over my face before bed.
Normally, at this time of year, my skin is pasty, and shadows under my eyes demand makeup. But I caught sight of myself in the mirror a few days ago, and wondered if I had somehow gotten a tan. My skin has a glow to it that usually never happens this time of year, unless I’ve been polo-ing it up somewhere warm. An ampoule each night is more than enough to amp up my skin’s softness, and retain moisture. I was hoping the Advanced Night Repair Intensive Recovery Ampoules might eradicate a few wrinkles, but they don’t quite go that far. However, radiant skin with a plumped-up appearance is a major step in the youthful direction.
Instant Xmas Eco Gift
Feeling uninspired this year, buying presents for people who already seem to have everything? Don’t feel like fighting for a parking spot at the mall in order to spread goodwill under the Christmas tree? Or perhaps you’re worried about the carbon footprint of driving to the mall, buying gifts shrouded in extra packaging, and wrapping them in more packaging, aka paper and ribbons? Not to mention the environmental cold shoulder everyone being hit by the cold snap right now is giving to Mother Nature, warming up our cars for ages. Or else just leaving them running while we shop, Alberta-style, yearning for that global warming everyone is talking about.
I’ve found the solution. One size fits all, and it can be bought online. No waiting for the post office to lose your delivery, either, because nothing actually gets delivered.
For $30, TreeEra will plant 25 trees in the name of whomever you choose to gift. Founded by Calgary musician Michael Fitzgerald, tree adopters will be notified of just where their baby trees are growing. So you can visit, if you’re in the area.Since the newly-formed profit-for-purpose company is in the fledgling stages itself, the first planting will be in the spring, with locations and tree types still tbd. However, the company has big dreams: to plant a billion trees. You can subscribe to a monthly membership, if you’d like to help on the regular. It’s the gift that keeps growing. Merry Christmas!
Finally! Proper Shooting Attire in Calgary
Somehow, it’s not surprising that James Cox goes by the less formal JR. After all, the CEO of the ginormous gun range, The Shooting Edge, brought in the folks from Knott’s Berry Farm to design this kid-friendly fun-gun booth at his facility. Yet his passion for formal shooting wear inspired him to bring William Evans to Calgary, where I’m delighted to report JR was serving excellent wine at the opening party. He’s not an arms dealer on three continents for nothing. For the record, that shady deal in War Dogs? JR turned it down.
William Evans is known for making the type of clothing required to go shooting with Prince Charles, and the tweeds needed for any high-level experience of country life. With two shops in England (London and Bisley), it seemed only natural to JR that a third should open in Alberta. Attached to his gun range.
At the recent VIP Sneak Peek (or Sneak a Peek, if you’re partial to Stampede linguistics) the British Consul General to Calgary, Caroline Saunders, enthusiastically agreed. Why do Duck Dynasty when shooting with the Windsors is so much more stylish?
Just inside the northeast entrance to the Calgary Farmers’ Market, happy hunters can find ties made of 100% English woven silk or wool and silk mix, featuring favorite prey, or loyal best friends.
My favorite of the evening was this jacket by Spanish brand T.ba, known for its attention to the elegant equestrian social set.
Down the hall from the cocktails and canapés at William Evans, customers shopped for explosive Christmas gifts at The Shooting Edge…
… and practiced retaliation against any Grinch attacks.
But excellent soundproofing prevented any gunfire audio at the soiree. Meanwhile, Smithbilt’s lead hat designer Holly Allen was on hand to get our heads in the game. Her hats are available for purchase alongside all the high-quality hunting attire. I gave country sloane a try, while Holly spectated.
Congratulations on your opening, William Evans! JR, I like your style.
AERIN’s Outlook For Dry Hands: Rosey
It is currently so cold in Calgary that throats are as dry as the Sahara, despite the irony of a desert descriptor. You need to ground yourself before you kiss anyone — the electrical hazard is that bad. Not to mention how awful your hands feel after wash them. Tight. Uncomfortable. DRY.
That’s why it’s the perfect time to treat yourself to AERIN’s Rose Night Table Cream and Overnight Mask. The rose scent has a winter weight to it, without being cloying. There’s an unidentifiable spice to it that adds to the sophisticated bedtime slather. I admit, I may be a teeny bit biased about AERIN products, since I love Ms. Lauder’s story as a lifestyle tycoon. I tend to be thrilled by all her products, even when I’m occasionally confused by the reason for them, as I was for this cream for both hair and body. Sometimes I just need to study up on the press release, but it never comes with the package anymore. Which is why, despite my best googling efforts to assist, I’m unsure what the Mask aspect is for this cream. Face? Hands? It doesn’t matter. The mystery just makes it better.
However, I’m off on a rant that supersedes the character max of all our attention spans. Treat yourself to some Rose Cream. Especially if you’re doing the gold or brass accent in your interior design, since your au so courant tastes will be a match with the lid. No hiding this pretty jar of night table cream.